Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lovely day at the beach

F was ill at nursery on Tuesday, and still complaining yesterday morning, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt (sucker!) and let him stay off. I also thought "Sod it, they aren't having a great time at the moment, what with one thing and another, let's seize the day" so we went down to Sandymouth. It only took us about 35 minutes to get there and it was lovely. Shingle and rocks until the tide was out, then lots of sand. Lots of rockpools - and I bought them fishing nets to poke about with, though they didn't catch anything (surprise) - lots of places to scramble, big tidal pools to paddle in (cold), waterfalls coming down onto the beach and a really nice cafe, not a rip off at all. Free to park for NT members (middle class smugness). The sun came out and went in and came out and went in and the sea faded from blue blue blue to dull grey and then back to sparkly blue again. All very pleasant, and the kids were lovely.

Back to nursery and work today - S at Granny and Grandad's - Dad picked her up from the health centre this morning and F came in to see the nurse with me. I am sure my line has moved out of my arm a little bit, which is a bit of a worry.

Woke in the night last night worrying about pension, stuff at work, lift home from chemo next week...none of it major, but I think I'm just stressed and stuff pops up that I can hook my anxiety onto.

We all got into our bed for stories last night. Big cosy time. A really lovely day.

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